Monthly Archives: July 2023

A Tale of Two Synods

This summer’s Synod really did feel like two gatherings happening at the same time. On the one hand we had a hornets’ nest of bitterness and mistrust; on the other hand, we had a relatively optimistic gathering focused on the future. In short, this summer’s Synod was thoroughly in keeping with every account I have […]

the Root sin

(One or two have asked for a copy of this, my maiden speech at General Synod, so for ease I post it here. I amended this a little as I went, but I can’t remember exactly how, and I’ve tried to remember what I skipped to keep within time, but this is broadly it.) Lindsay […]

“division, decline, and self-destruction”?

This is a brief response to Ian Paul’s blog on whether the same sex debate is do-or-die, mostly because I often read his writing with interest and respect. This particular piece of his, unlike his usual writing, however, seemed to throw more shade than light. It sits in an unfortunate school of thought, to my […]